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80% of business travelers are in the dark about safe when it comes to Serviced Accommodations

UK: International Serviced Apartment Accreditation Process (ISAAP) says its new security accreditation is a “no brainer” after YouGov survey.

Global Secure Accreditation (GSA), which bought ISAAP in 2021, commissioned the YouGov survey to provide insight on traveler security.

It found that 80% of business travelers out the 1,000+ who were surveyed, are in the dark about safety. This survey explored business traveler sentiment on crime and security in UK hotels.

GSA, which manages and maintains an independent global standard and assessment system for hotel security, is made up of a team of senior policer officers, counter terrorism experts, military and international security specialists who help hotel and serviced accommodation providers improve their security.

A year after the updated travel risk management ISO 21030 came into play, it seem four out of five business travelers have received no information on the safety and security of their accommodation prior to their stay. More worrying is that one in five business travelers in the UK have, or know someone that has been the victim of crime when travelling for work.

Brian Moore, operations director at GSA said: “The regulatory landscape has changed, and the introduction of ISO 31030 has set a new benchmark for duty of care to travelling employees, which includes selecting accommodation that has been independently accredited for its safety and security. Given the increased concern around business travel post-pandemic, it is important companies understand how to mitigate risks and demonstrate how seriously they take the safety and wellbeing of their travelling employees.”

GSA acquired International Serviced Apartment Accreditation Process (ISAAP) last year. ISAAP independently assesses serviced apartments, aparthotels and corporate housing for safety and comfort. The partnership with GSA means serviced apartment operators and travel managers looking to place travelers in serviced accommodation have full access to the new security accreditation, which aligns with ISO 31030.

Stephen Martin, managing director of ISAAP said: “Over the last year we have developed a specific security accreditation solution for serviced accommodation providers. We were acquired by security experts so it was a no brainer to gain a security award.”

GSA’s Brian Moore added: “We have seen a growth in travelers wanting longer stays and bigger spaces, particularly international travelers – so we were fortunate to acquire ISAAP last year as they have fantastic knowledge and experience. By bringing the two businesses together we have enhanced what ISAAP offers to the market, but are also able to offer support assistance and advice to keep travelers safe. ISO 31030 puts a focus on corporate business travel, which is key to all this.”


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